



Fort Worth Ave Development Group
Mobius Bench
A Spare Parts Art Installation

Dallas, Texas – The Fort Worth Avenue Development Group is proud to announce the completion of the first Spare Parts Public Art Initiative.  The team of Erik Glissman and Nicole Cullum Horn’s Mobius Bench is installed at the corner of Pittman and Fort Worth Avenue, on the property of Chicken Scratch. There will be a reception and christening Monday, August 27th, at 7pm and the artists will be on-hand for interviews and photos.

About Mobius Bench

 Mobius Bench is a dynamic sculpture designed to provide seating and shade for pedestrians along Ft. Worth Avenue.  The structure is deceivingly simple, yet in the grace of its curvature becomes intriguingly complex.  Reflecting the infinite curve of the Mobius strip, the patron is surrounded by an arched interior of reclaimed cedar with a curved exterior skin of recycled sheet metal scales.  As the arch returns to the ground, the strip is broken into two seats situated to encourage street-level conversation.  The nature of the materials and utility of the structure are meant to reflect the beauty of the neighborhood while serving those who use it. 

About Spare Parts

Spare Parts is an initiative by the Fort Worth Avenue Development Group to support public art that emphasizes re-used materials and utility for the community.  To raise the funds for Spare Parts the FWADG set aside 50% of the proceeds from sales at their annual fundraiser of the same name. This year's auction is coming up on September 22nd at Four Corners Brewery. Our goal is to support the ingenuity and DIY spirit of the area, and to encourage street life and pride along Fort Worth Avenue.

About Fort Worth Avenue Development Group

The FWADG is a group of committed volunteers from the neighboring community.  The purpose of the Fort Worth Avenue Development Group is to improve the West Commerce/Fort Worth Avenue corridor and maintain a high quality of life for the area’s residential neighbors, property owners and businesses.

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