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02/17/2011 GreenPet Showcases Two New Senior Dog Food Lines
Because of healthy diets, our pets are living longer. As they age it is very important to understand that their nutritional needs change. Here are two new lines...
Saffie Farris
02/16/2011 Eco Friendly Puppy Chow at Green Pet
“Whether you come here to have your dog start a new diet or if you just want to come and get a really good quality shampoo we have everything”, said Leslie M cK...
Saffie Farris
12/20/2010 OakCliff's Green Pet Angel Tree benefits The Animal Rescue of Texas
The Green Pet Angel Tree received a nice mention by DMagazine , to remind animal lovers how they can give during the holiday season. The Green Pet Angel Tree...
Saffie Farris
11/23/2010 5 Ways to be a Green Pet Owner
1. The most important way to be a green pet owner is to adopt. Rescuing a discarded pet is one of the most humane actions you can take to help animals and the...
Saffie Farris
10/29/2010 It's Only Natural
You may think the cost of feeding your dog or cat natural foods exceeds the benefit. I hear that excuse all the time. "Leslie, I would love to feed my dog...
Saffie Farris