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New Wayfinding Signage Coming To Thanks-Giving Square With Your Help

Help revamp Thanks-Giving Square (TGS) through its recently launched Kickstarter campaign, created by the staff and The Thanks-Giving Foundation Board. Located in the heart of Downtown Dallas, Thanks-Giving Square is a beautiful three-acre park, non- denominational chapel and museum with a setting to inspire gratitude. As guests enter the oasis that is the Square, impressive architecture, inspirational messages and a sense of calm surrounds them.

The iconic spiral chapel invites all to come and see one of the most prestigious stained glass windows in the world, as well as enjoy a quiet place for prayer. The museum is rich in history of gratitude and thanks for the leaders and supporters throughout the years, and the bells chime hourly. Thousands of people interact with this space each year, and it has become an active, urban gathering place where all are welcome.

However, over the decades, signage throughout the Square has been affected by vandalism, theft and decay. Because of this, guests are not learning the full story and history of the Square and have a difficult time navigating to all the experiences it has to offer. This is why Thanks-Giving Square’s staff and Foundation board members decided to start this crowdfunding campaign.

“While multiple pathways located in the Square lead guests to different attractions, there is little to guide them along the way. This summer, our most current project will help raise important funds that will allow us to replace the out-of-date, missing and confusing signage with a functional signage system that engages neighboring residents, tourists and office workers and helps them understand this landmark gem,” said Noah Jeppson, board member of The Thanks-Giving Foundation. “This important project relies on contributions from supporters around the world, and the campaign offers several ways in which the community can get involved.”

Plans include installing improved directional signage, replacing missing welcome signage and enhancing special spaces with interpretive graphics. Designers are even digging into the archives to incorporate historical content into the new messaging. Once installed, the new signage will improve the overall visitor experience. It will enable each guest to find special meaning as they walk through Thanks-Giving Square, leaving with a renewed sense of well-being.

“Having new environmental graphic signage at Thanks-Giving Square would be fantastic for our visitors, as it will help explain our heritage and mission. As Thanks-Giving Square celebrates its 50th year, we recognize the need to refurbish and renovate the park, chapel and museum. This Kickstarter campaign is the precursor of a future concept that is coming to the Square,” said Chris Slaughter, president of The Thanks-Giving Foundation. 

To learn more about the plans and campaign, please visit https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/dfwcre8tive/active-wayfinding-and-egd-at-thanks-giving-square. 


TGS Side View.jpg
Tuesday, 30 June 2015