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Jordan Terry, an 8th grade student at Tyler Street Christian Academy, won the school competition of the National Geographic Bee yesterday and a chance at a $50,000 college scholarship. The school Bee, at which students answered questions on geography, was the first round in the 27th annual National Geographic Bee.

Thousands of schools around the United States and in the five U.S. territories are participating in the 2015 Bee. The school champions, including Jordan, will take a written test; up to 100 of the top scores on that test in each state will then be eligible to compete in their state Bee on March 27, 2015.

State winners will receive an all-expense paid trip to Washington, D.C. The first-place national champion will receive a $50,000 college scholarship, a lifetime membership in the Society and a trip to the Galapagos Islands.

Tyler Street Christian Academy is proud to partner with the National Geographic Society to challenge and promote student interest in geography.

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