Cars for Kids
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Christian looked like he was on his way to becoming one of these kids. His mother was addicted to drugs and his ill father was unable to work. Following a period of homelessness, Christian and his dad found housing but it was almost too late. Christian was far behind in school, something often difficult for kids without a strong support system to overcome.

Thankfully, Christian was able to take advantage of an alternative high school supported by Cars for Kids that helps students catch up on their classes and ultimately complete high school. Christian finished his junior and senior years on time, earned his high school diploma and then enrolled in a college pre-law program.

Christian is just one of thousands of Cars for Kids success stories. But, for every Christian there is another child who slips through the cracks in North Texas.




From higher paying jobs to better health outcomes, the benefits of earning a high school diploma are well documented. Unfortunately, there are thousands of kids in North Texas who do not graduate and are unable to thrive by taking that first step to a better future.

Cars for Kids is a Dallas-based nonprofit founded in 1992 long-known for its tagline: “Write Off the Car, Not the Kid”®. We take donated cars and other types of vehicles, auction them off and 100% of the net proceeds go directly to support local schools and organizations that provide high quality resources for all kids – especially those who have struggled in our communities – in order to give them an opportunity to build a better future.

These programs offer smaller class sizes, flexible educations schedules, free transportation, eye glasses, mental health services and other solutions allowing kids to focus on the important stuff: learning, working and caring for their loved ones. This ensures that kids leave with a plan to either continue to higher education or enter the workforce.

We believe every kid deserves an opportunity to build a better future. Will you join us by making a monetary donation to Cars for Kids on North Texas Giving Day, September 22?

Make your pledge here:

It’s going to take all of us to help today’s kids take the right next steps for a better life. The first step in helping them finish are donations from heroes like you!

Thank you for your generous support.

Colin Weatherwax, CEO of Cars for Kids

Colin Weatherwax, CEO of Cars for Kids




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