Bishop Arts Theatre Center
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Bishop Arts Theatre Center presents Thurgood by George Stevens, Jr. Watch history come alive on the Bishop Arts Theatre Center's stage.  Thurgood chronicles the life and legacy of Thurgood Marshall and his appointment to the US Supreme Court as the first African American appointed Justice.  Selmore Haines, III brings to life one of America's greatest civil rights leaders in an intimate setting.  "You feel like you're sitting in his living room, talking to [Thurgood] personally." Director of Thurgood, Dr. Harry Parker.  Perfect for all audiences and perfect for Black History Month.  Thurgood runs February 8-25.  Click on the link for tickets and information

Bishop Arts Theatre Center (BATC) is an award-winning, multicultural, multidisciplinary arts institution with IRC 501 (c)(3) tax-exempt status. Founded in September of 1993, our mission is to cultivate a diverse and vibrant arts community while creating sustainable opportunities for local and emerging artists through performances and education. We offer a full season of theater performances, jazz concerts, a speaker series, and year-round arts education programs. The theatre is a cultural oasis for the next generation of acclaimed writers, directors, performers, and arts administrators. Governed by ten board members, we impact over 30,000 artists, arts enthusiasts, and children each year via virtual and in-person seasonal performances and arts education programs. - Contact Bishop Arts at  
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