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2 p.m. Civil War Re-enactment


Watch a Civil War Re-enactment at 2 p.m.; learn the history of stamps; participate in a scavenger hunt, earn scout badges;

and much more!


“In the 1860s, the only way to visit with friends and family was to take pen to paper, slip your letter in an envelope and add a stamp,” said Melissa Prycer, president and executive director, Dallas Heritage Village. “But who would guess something so small could contain so much history and be one of the most valued and collected items in the world today?  This event will take our guests from the early forms of communication and how we delivered mail then as compared with today – all in a fun, interactive format.”   

Dallas Heritage Village invites the community to History Quest – The Great Stamp-ede on Saturday, May 2, 2015, from 10 a.m. – 2 p.m., 1515 S. Harwood Street.  Spend a day uncovering tales of greed, intrigue, forgery, and discovery and learn about fastest, most modern mode of communication in the country at a critical point in our nation’s history. 

Guests may learn about the art of collecting (known as Philately) and create and print their own postage stamps.  Discover the history of Texas Stamps during the Civil War and pick out forgeries in a Texas Stamp Lineup.  Explore early communication methods from town criers and community bulletin boards to texting and telephones of today.  Join the pony express and compete in a stick horse race to help search for lost Confederate stamps and participate in a postage stamp scavenger hunt around the village, ending at the General Store post office.  Build paper airplanes and try flying them cross country just like the Curtiss-Jenny, which flew the first U.S. Air Mail in May 1918. The day will wrap up with a Civil War Re-enactment on the grounds of Dallas Heritage Village at 2 p.m.

Scouts are invited to attend as the event will satisfy several BSA requirements, electives, achievements, and the Stamp Collecting Merit Badge, as well as GS activities towards petals, leafs, and badges.  Discount tickets ($5 each) available online through April 29.  Gate: $10/adult, $6/child and $8/senior, 65+ Patches available for $3/each.

“History Quest: The Great Stamp-ede promises to be a great day of fun and learning,” added Prycer.  “Come join us!”



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