
Spare pARTS June 11, 2011 at the Belmont Hotel 

The Fort Worth Avenue Development Group is seeking area artists' help in protecting and renewing life on Ft Worth Ave.  We are holding our annual silent auction fundraiser, and this year we are dedicating 50% of all proceeds to public art projects on the Ave.

Please submit artwork of a recycled/repurposed nature that reflects the attitude and spirit of Oak Cliff and recieve a complimentary ticket to the event catered by Smoke and featuring the musical stylings of the King Bucks  Direct all submissions to

The Ft Worth Ave Development Group is an organization that advocates for sensible development that encourages biking, walking, greenspace, and respect for the community (It deals with wonky zoning and code issues that seem abstract until you see that they make the difference between a new road with six lanes of fast cars, or four lanes, a bike lane, and a wide tree-lined sidewalk.)  Check us out and learn more at


Please send your contact info, a brief bio, and a description of your idea or a picture if you have it made.

Submission Deadline: June 1st, 2011

Art Drop-Off: June 4th, 11am-2pm.

Art Criteria: This is a carry-it-home event, so please keep all work under 36x36 or so, and 50 pounds or less.  Again, all work should be recycled, repurposed, reused, upcycled, found objects.. whatever you want to call using old stuff to make art.

Silent Auction June 11, 2011 from 8:00-10:00 P.M. at the Belmont Hotel
Tickets $35