
You may think the cost of feeding your dog or cat natural foods exceeds the benefit.  I hear that excuse all the time.  "Leslie, I would love to feed my dog healthier food, but I can’t afford it!"

What you may not know is that feeding an all-natural and holistic food to your pet can  actually save you money and aggravation in the long run.  Really!  How, you ask? First, you feed much less food—about 20% to 40% less,  because the food is all natural with no fillers, no by-products or chemical preservatives.

Second, you will significantly reduce your vet expenses and the need for harmful medications to treat your pets' resulting allergies and immune system disorders.  Allergies are the number one reason for vet visits. Symptoms include, but are not limited to--itchy skin and eruptions, inflamed ears, excessive licking on body, digestive upsets (gurgling, gas and diarrhea), inflammation of the toes, and an irritated rear end due to licking and rubbing on the floor.

In addition, feeding all-natural products will greatly reduce the physical and mental speed of premature aging in your pets, which is often associated with a lifetime of poor nutrition. Several degenerative diseases, such as cancer, kidney disease, heart disease, arthritis, skin problems, bowel problems, and even diabetes can be directly impacted by diet.  

Unfortunately, most vets receive little education in vet school on canine and feline nutrition. At Green Pet, our philosophy is that nutrition and preventative care are  essential for animals— just as they are for humans.

Stop by and try our free samples.

Green Pet
315 N. Bishop Ave.
Dallas, Texas  75208‎
p  - 214.942.6042
f  - 214.942.6011

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