Donna Miller – Guest Contributor
Jan 21 @ 10:02
Mayan Spirit World Performance and Demonstration



Central Standard Time



J. Erik Jonsson Central Library Lillian Bradshaw G
1515 Young Street
Dallas, Texas 75201

Mayan Spirit World by artist Ricardo Alarcón explores the Mayan cultural traditions through dance, costumes, musical instruments, and the Mayan ball game.

 “I hope to share with more people this important Mexican and Central American cultural heritage and its celebration of the indigenous traditions and to increase public knowledge of the long history of the indigenous peoples among all of us today whether they be descendants of the Mayans, descendants of Mexican and Central American immigrants, recent immigrants, or descendants of other peoples around the world. History is written by the winners, but the stories of the "losers" of history have wisdom and meaning for all of us,” said Mr. Alarcón.

  • Ricardo with rainstick.webp Ricardo with rainstick.webp   (885 kb)