Featured News & Articles
Matthew Cobb

If you heard a crash in Oak Cliff last night, it was likely a Dallas police car driving through a local resident's home.

A (volatile) burglary suspect stole and crashed a patrol car into a house on Pembroke Avenue after being apprehended by police around 11 p.m., according to a local NBC report.

The suspect, 39-year-old Jesus Ronald Ramos, reportedly fought and resisted arrest to the point where he bent the handcuffs he was wearing. He was placed in the back of a police cruiser, but officers could not put a seat belt on him because he was kicking, and the vehicle did not have a cage separating the front and back seats.

While officers were waiting outside of the vehicle and for a caged patrol car to arrive at the scene, the suspect managed to climb into the front seat and put the vehicle into drive. Officers chased the moving car but were unable to gain control or get the man to stop before it drove into a home, which consequently left a gaping hole at the scene of the crash. The damaged home was near the one the suspect may have broken into.

Fortunately, no one was inside the home when the crash occurred, and the Red Cross will be helping the family, but the home now has no power or gas, so the residents will not have air conditioning during what is expected to be another 100-degree day.

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