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Bishop Dunne's famous drum line led the Kessler Park Easter Parade on April 19 for the sixth year in a row.

Drum line Director Robert Fajardo said the weather was perfect: "A beautiful day to perform in a fun parade in a wonderful neighborhood!"

The entire band, the Gospel Choir and the Bishop Dunne Strings will all be on stage in the newly renovated Milam J. Joseph Auditorium on Tuesday night, April 29, for the "Sounds of Bishop Dunne." The annual concert, from 6:30 to 8 p.m., will be the final one directed by retiring and beloved Band Director Bill Rhyan, who has spent the last decade teaching music and math at the school. He will retire in June from his 43 years teaching and he and his wife, Jay, also a teacher in the Arlington School district, plan to enjoy their free time together. Both sing in their church choir and enjoy working on projects in their home in Fort Worth.

For information on the concert and the school see the site.