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On Wednesday, April 15, 2015, TSCA secondary students took part in the nationwide effort to honor the victims of the Holocaust and Nazi persecution by holding a Days of Remembrance ceremony.

The ceremony was open to secondary students, parents, and friends and featured a museum of student created Holocaust study projects. Students walked through an interactive gallery which displayed a timeline of events, related statistics and figures and a character analysis of Holocaust victims. Additionally, they viewed displays of poetry readings, a video presentation, and listened during the names reading ceremony.

“It’s not enough to curse the darkness of the past. We have to illuminate the future,” explains Holocaust survivor Estelle Laughlin. “On Days of Remembrance the most important thing to remember is the humanity that is in all of us to leave the world better for our children and for posterity.”

This was an annual event for TSCA and recognized the nation’s annual commemoration of the Holocaust established by Congress and led by the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington, DC.

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