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If you're anything like me, you know how to spot a good deal. I buy swimsuits in winter and coats in spring, and when I need to buy sneakers, I wait until Texas' tax-free weekend.

This year, tax-free weekend is Aug. 17-19, which is right around the bend. If you're planning on braving the crowds to save .0825 cents on every dollar, there are a few things you need to incorporate into your plan of action:

  • While it may be tax-free weekend, not everything is tax free. Make sure to check this list supplied by the Texas Comptroller's office before grabbing a cart (or two) at your local big-box. 
  • Don't forget to print out a copy of your district's school supply list. Over-achievers will have a pen or pencil handy to mark things off as they buy them!
  • Planning on buying a pair of Air Force One's? You will probably have to pay tax on that if they cost more than $100.
  • Stick to stores you know: If you haven't shopped for school clothes and supplies before, making your way through a busy horde of bargain hunters will make a challenging task impossible.
  • Pack a snack: Don't let a rumble in your tummy stop you from making the most of your tax holiday. Pack a healthy snack and stay away from the empty calories that line the check-out aisles.
  • Making a stop in between stores? Make sure you hide your purchases and lock your car. Popular shopping holidays are also popular times for car burglaries, especially in densely populated areas.

Have your own tax-free weekend shopping tip? Share it with us!