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Photo by Sam Bortnick Photography

Patricia Rodriguez paints by day and spins the pop tunes of the '60s by night as DJ Tigerbee. Her psychadelic art, a mesh of both of her worlds, that has landed her a spot in a national magazine.

"When I first started the Bartering Artists group I was contacted by someone who writes for Origin Magazine wanting to do a feature on the group," Rodriguez said. "That was how I first heard about Origin Magazine and had them on my facebook page."

Moments later, she saw that the magazine was running a contest to win a spot inside the magazine. But Rodriguez soon felt deflated after seeing she was already a day behind in the voting.

"I quickly submitted my latest piece 'The World of Traceable Ghosts' into the contest and all my wonderful fans, supporters, collectors and friends quickly helped me rise to the top in the votes," Rodriguez gushed. "Even with a whole day lost we got my piece to second highest votes. I am so full of gratitude for every single one of them!"

Her artwork will run inside the September issue of Origin Magazine, a publication focused on art and conscious living.