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Thanks to a generous donation from the Winnetka Heights Historic District, the floors of the historic Turner House will be restored in the next few weeks. 

According to JC Barker, before work can begin, all of the furniture and decor inside Turner House will need to be moved.

"The new floors will be a spectacular improvement to the house, but the Turner House board and volunteers need help to move the furniture and accessories out of a few rooms to get the house ready," Barker said via Facebook. "Everything will be moved within the house and we should be done quickly with a good crew."

If you're available to lend a hand, head over to Turner House at 9 a.m. on June 23. 

Turner House is the home of the Oak Cliff Society of Fine Arts and is located at 401 N. Rosemont Ave. For more information about Turner House and its restoration, check out its website.

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