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The pre-calculus class at Tyler Street Christian Academy set a goal during this school year to perform a class service project. Students worked with their math faculty instructor, Jim Bayless to identify a community member in need. The perfect opportunity came as Jim became aware of yard work needed at the home of an elderly widow.

Jim informed his class and they were they were excited to help.  Students worked vigorously for several hours to assist with yard work. The only break came when their hostess offered cookies and lemonade.  

In addition to physical work, students were also challenged to integrate math concepts into their service project, including calculating the cubic feet of brush collected and the rate at which they would complete yard work. Most importantly, students served.

This project was a great success.  A different class will return to the home and complete a similar service project in the back yard next week.

The mission of Tyler Street Christian Academy is to provide a college preparatory education while seeking to develop Christ-like character, preparing graduates for a life of leadership and service to God and the community. 

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