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Photo from left to right: (Front row) Rachel Benavides, Tatiana Boucher, Mike Saterino, Rachel Southward, Christina Brieno, Student Body President Katy Price, and Harrison Cruz; Back row: Kevin Cruz, Senior Class President Khie Johnson, Zachary Haynes, Cameron Maxwell, Director of Community Outreach Judy Porter, Kendall Payne and chaperone Mr. Chase.

Bishop Dunne graduate, former school principal and 2013 Hall of Fame Recipient Mike Saterino was surprised to see ten student leaders from Bishop Dunne's senior class at the Oak Cliff Lions Club meeting on Wednesday, Aug. 28.

Saterino, a long-term member of the Oak Cliff Lions Club, retired from his 40 years in education last spring, after his final position as Principal of the TAG (Talented and Gifted) High School downtown. The ten students were at the club meeting to learn about how they could volunteer in the community. Saterino will receive his Bishop Dunne Hall of Fame award at a ceremony to be held on Oct. 25, during Bishop Dunne's homecoming celebration.

Story and photo courtesy of Judy Porter, Director of Community Outreach, Bishop Dunne Catholic School