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Pictured: The first place team with a score of 57 - Phillip Epps, Byron Williams, Jerry Browne, Walter High

The 10th Annual Bishop Dunne Golf Tournament was held on April 1 at the Golf Club of Dallas.

Clear blue skies and temperatures that reached 80 degrees made for a perfect day.

Over $30,000 was raised through generous sponsorships and teams that registered to play.

The Guerrero Law Firm received special recognition before the shot gun start for its ten years of sponsorship of the tournament.

Other major sponsors this year included Mutual of America, The Catholic Foundation, John Denton, Fritz Duda, and the NFL Foundation, the latter due to the work of John Wooten, a former Bishop Dunne dad and NFL player.

A large number of alumnae played in the tournament, including Gloria Nieto and her niece, freshman Stephanie Brieno; Mike, Greg, and Jon Buchanan; Larry Milton; Shaun Lemley; Daniel Garza; Ryan Shaughnessy; Michael Alfers; Pat Fettinger; Bruce Schneider; David Boruff; Wes Hightower; Trent McElroy; Michael Johnson; and Chase, Chad and Carson McDonald.

Everyone enjoyed the day and winners included:

Longest Drive - Brooks Moore

Closest to the Pin - Ryan Davis

1st Place team with score of 57 - Phillip Epps, Byron Williams, Jerry Browne, Walter High

2nd place with score of 59 - Mike Buchanan, James Picha, Richard Morris, Rodney Lehman

3rd place with score of 60 - Pat Fettinger, Bruce Schneider, David Boruff, Wes Hightower

Happiest Auction item winner was golfer Doug Chaney, owner of DC Logistics, who made the highest bid of the day for a Green Bay Packers jersey signed by Aaron Rogers. Chaney is one of thousands of fans who owns a portion of stock in the team and has been a fan since childhood.

Many items auctioned off were from the personal collection of art teacher Robbie Zeske’s father, Larry Zeske, who attended the day's events and rode with his daughter on the beverage cart to chat with all the golfers.

Story and photo courtesy of Judith E. Porter, Director of Community Outreach at Bishop Dunne