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Myla Johnson competed in the Skyline to Sea 50K. She trains for marathons and ultramarathons with the North Oak Cliff Morning Running Group.

Myla Johnson and a pack of other North Oak Cliff residents set out way before dawn most days. They run the streets in relative quiet and darkness, long before most of the neighborhood even thinks about waking. 

Surely, you have to have a love for the sport to get up that early day after day to run, but you don't have to be a marathoner (or half-marathoner, at that) to play along. Find out more about the group through the North Oak Cliff Morning Running Group's Facebook page.

Who is your hero? I can't say that I have one hero per se, but there are many people that I greatly admire and have admired. Hillary Clinton, Jane Goodall, Rosa Parks, Katherine Switzer, the late Ted Kennedy, Dallas' own Angie Manriquez, my grandmothers and my mom to name a few. 

What is your greatest accomplishment? Running my first marathon and ultra marathon were accomplishments, as well as paying (and working) my own way through college at an out of state university.  But my greatest accomplishment thus far would be overcoming the eating disorder that nearly took my life 20 years ago. Never give up!

What is your favorite thing about Oak Cliff? My favorite things about Oak Cliff are the laid back funky vibe and the beautiful trees and hills.

How has running changed your life? I've been running since I was 13 so it really hasn't changed my life but has kept me going. It's my meditation and stress reliever. It's my drug.

What's going on with the North Oak Cliff Morning Running Group right now? The North Oak Cliff Morning Running Group is such a fun and dedicated group of runners! Right now, most of us are training for half marathons and marathons but you don't have to be a marathoner to join us. If you love to run, come on out! We're pretty hard core in the fact that we don't miss a run ... unless it's lightning or icy outside. We run in the rain too! And, you don't have to be a fast runner either. Three of our "members" walk/run and we have slower paced runners as well. It's a great way to meet new people who share the same interest!