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Nick Griffin Nick Griffin owns Pebble + Pine in the Bishop Arts District.

Nick Griffin, not to be confused with the stand-up comedian or the British politician, opened Pebble+Pine to bring American-made lifestyle and golf accessories to Dallas and the Bishop Arts District. He's a PGA professional, which is pretty inspiring stuff, but then again he's got stiff competition if you consider his wife, Jennifer Griffin

Nick took a few minutes break from the putting green in the front window of Pebble+Pine to answer some questions about his business, his dreams, and about, of course, golf.

BubbleLife Media: What is your earliest childhood memory?

Nick Griffin: Growing up by the beach in Australia, my earliest childhood memories involve spending whole days at the beach surfing, swimming and hanging out. Mind you, in the 1970s we had never heard of sunscreen!

BLM: Obviously, you love golf, but is there a reason why you’re so passionate about the game?

Griffin: It’s the games process. It takes a lot of commitment and patience to be good at it and it’s a game you will never master. Now being a parent, it's one of the few sports you can enjoy playing with your children.

BLM: What inspires you?

Griffin: Small business owners and people who are not afraid to take risks.

BLM: In your version of “Groundhog Day,” what day would you like to live over and over

Griffin: The few times a year I get to spend the morning golfing with my son, followed by a great lunch and afternoon spent with family, ending with a great dinner and beers with friends.

BLM: If you had $10 million but only had one week to spend it, what would you do?

Griffin: Buy myself a nice American-made bespoke suit then give the rest to charity.

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