
Percentage of people by state who are newly

eligible through the insurance market place


What are the consequences of not being able to access health care for oneself and one’s family?

“When a loved one goes through a health crisis, families suffer the economic consequences, and most of all, emotional consequence,” observes Nina Alverez, producer/director of Critical State (“Estado Critico”), a Univision film.

“Critical State” (“Estado Critico”) is a special free presentation on Wednesday, Sept. 24 by Univision, Texas Organizing Project (TOP) and the 1st Tuesday Social Justice Films.  The film will be hosted at the Unitarian Universalist Church of Oak Cliff, 3839 Kiest Blvd, Dallas from 6:30 to 8:30 pm and shown in English with Spanish subtitles.  There will be a panel discussion by health experts.

Statistics alone don’t show the whole picture; real people with realy situations do.  When starting to explore these issues, Univision came across Texas Organizing Project who told about one of their volunteers, a young man names Luis Veloz who had left college to help his family with medical bills piling up because of his father’s three heart attacks. 

Luis wanted to know more about how health care works in other states, Alverez writes, and so he and Univision took a journey across the country and learned of the long list of problems existing in other places as well as Texas, along with the positive things happening in places like Massachusetts and California. 

Ms. Sinsisterra and her son Ronald, Jr.                                       Ms. Ruiz 

Luis spoke to Monica Sinisterra, mother of Ronald Jr who suffers from Cerebral Palsy.   Maria Ruiz talks about how her insurance helped her cover the costs of cancer. treatment.  And Luis gets a tour of the St. John's Well Child & Family Center construction site where he sees Obamacare funding at work.

On tour at St. Johne's Well Child & Family Center

“I hope that the story of my family, my personal struggles and the struggles of all of the other Latinos in this documentary have inspired our audience. I would like for people to take something good away from this. I want people to break down those barriers to healthcare that are in within their control and know that a healthy life really is possible," Luis said.  While filming, Luis also learned about the necessity of health living and has begun to take responsibility for his own health.

Starting with exercise, Luis takes more responsibility for himself.

While the film focuses on the Latino Community, the people hurting the most are also the most vulnerable among us: the young, Hispanics, African Americans, and single moms.  Improved, affordable access to health care benefits all individuals who find themselves without adequate insurance or, indeed, no insurance at all.

Henry Holstege and Bob Ritsema write in the Banner, "Hard-working, middle-class Americans are but a single illness away from bankruptcy. Those who have lost their jobs, whose hours have been cut to part-time, or who have gone into business for themselves are especially vulnerable. This vulnerability is inconsistent with the values found in Scripture, which seems to suggest access to health care for all people, regardless of income. . .  A strong case can be made to extend quality health care to 50 million Americans who do not currently have it. Why a moral imperative? In the U.S., an estimated 50,000 people die of treatable diseases each year because they did not have health insurance. 


The documentary seeks to promote Medicaid Expansion and highlight opportunities for a Texas Solution for the 1.5 million folks who fall into the gap while encouraging people to take responsibility for their own health. Open enrollment for health care insurance starts November 15, 2014 and ends February 15, 2015. 

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