Gil Penalosa, an internationally renowned leader in creating great cities and communities through active public spaces will give a presentation at 6 p.m....
In 2010, Paul Quinn College tilled up the unused football field on its Oak Cliff campus and launched the "We Over Me Farm." The initiative, part of PepsiCo's...
Do you have a passion for new urbanism, complete streets, and changing the face of your community? Team Better Block, founded by Jason Roberts and Andrew...
In the immortal words of Mary Poppins: "Let's go fly a kite!" You can do just that on May 12 at the Reliant Trinity River Wind Festival. Starting at noon, head...
Now in its sixth year, the Oak Cliff Earth Day Celebration is better than ever, with plenty of tables and vendors sure to get you going green. The list of...
If you've missed Urban Street Bazaar since the last Bishop Arts District handmade fair back in October 2010, you're in luck. Julie McCullough Kim, the brains...
Matthew Cobb – BubbleLife Staff
Apr 2 2012
Last Thursday, the North Texas Municipal Water District board of directors voted to adjust the Stage 3 Enhanced water conservation provisions, so now Dallas...
Jonathan Braddick – Guest Contributor
Mar 29 2012
Since the redistricting maps are now final, we'd thought we'd make it easy for our residents to review the candidates who may be representing Kings Highway...
Chad A. West, a Dallas-Fort Worth attorney with a practice focused on serious injury litigation and criminal defense, has been recognized with honors by the...
An "Odd County Fair" is being hosted on Saturday in Oak Cliff's Bishop Arts District to raise money for the Sunset High School marching band. The fair, which...